Friday, July 25, 2008


I said I won't use plastic... but I did, I did, I did! Hmmmph.

I used it for groceries and maternity clothes!

It's so hard to stop spending when you need new things. I rarely buy new clothes, but I have to buy lots now because I'm getting bigger by the day. All my pants don't fit! All my shirts don't fit! I even need new underwear!

I figured if I can't completely stop shopping, the best thing to do is to shop responsibly. Two days ago I went to Megamall to pick up my contact lenses. And lo and behold, temptation of all temptations... it was mid-year sale! Gosh! All those shoes on sale! (BTW, all my shoes don't fit either!) I went through the shoes section and caressed ever so longingly a lovely short-heeled strappy and studded sandals. But I had to say goodbye. It was so sad and painful.

What I needed urgently was new pants. So to the maternity section I marched without looking back. I found one comfy pair of pants that the sales lady said I could use until I pop my baby out. So there, I bought pants - they weren't on sale though.

(image c/o

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